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TRAININGNeo4j 교육 기초(1)
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    Neo4j 교육 기초(1)

  • 일시

    2023-01-06 ~ 2023-01-06

  • 강사명


  • 모집정원

    0 / 7 명

  • 상세 내용
  • 본 과정은 유료 교육 과정입니다.  교육비는 부가세 별도로 1인당 50만원입니다.

    - Neo4j Fundamentals:

    The Seven Bridges

    Graph Elements

    Graph Structure

    Graphs are Everywhere

    What is a Porperty Graph?

    Native Graph Advantage

    Non-graph Databases to Graph

    The Movie Graph


    - Cypher Fundamental.

    Introduction to Cypher

    Finding Relationships

    Filtering Queries

    Creating Nodes

    Creating Relationships

    Updating Properties

    Merge Processing

    Deleting Data


    - Graph Data Modeling Fundamentals

    What is Graph Data Modeling?

    Modeling Nodes

    Modeling Relationships

    Testing the Model

    Refactoring the Graph

    Eliminating Duplicate Data

    Using Specific Relationships

    Adding Intermediate Nodes








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